The responsibility of the village police
A) Work with the help of the protection of the country's nationalism.
B) To help the law enforcers to maintain law and order in the country.
C) Work voluntary service.
D) Perform social development work.
Organizational Infrastructure: District Commandant-
Upazila Ansar and VDP Officer-
Union Ansar Platoon Commander:
VDP leader-
"Dal-leader: Maula Rubia Begum
Introduction: The word Ansar is Arabic, its meaning is helpful.
A = Allah
N = Prophets
Sa = helper
The guardian
Together - Allah's Apostle Guard.
Establishment of Ansar: On 12 February 1948
VDP's Patient: 5 January 1976
Purpose: Village Defense Perty
Ansar Type: Ansar Type 3
1. Ansar Battalion
2. General Ansar
3. Assorted Ansar
Name: Major General Nazim Uddin, NDC-PSC
Director General: Bangladesh Ansar and Village Defense Forces
Click to visit Ansar VDP website
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS