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Women affairs

Pregnancy care content includes signs of pregnant mother, pregnancy care, pregnancy care, pregnancy care, pregnancy care at home, pregnant food, pregnant condition, pregnant women, four pregnancies, during pregnancy and delivery time 5. What are the risks of pregnancy, medical services provided in the health center, and medical services These places have been described.

During pregnancy, mother needs special care. Women need to be aware of their health, pregnancy and child care before pregnancy. Because a healthy mother can give birth to a healthy and normal baby. So pregnant mother needs the right care and care. Geriatric care can help in reducing the rate of maternal mortality in Bangladesh.


Pregnant mother signs

Monthly closure
Breast pain

Pregnancy care

Pregnant mother and care of her stomach are said to be pregnant during the entire pregnancy period, ie from menstrual period, between 9 months and 7 days. It is managed by providing regular checks and advice. During the entire pregnancy it is necessary to check for at least 4 times.


According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization

1st visit: 16 weeks (4 months)

Second visit: 24-28 weeks (6-7 months)

3rd visit: 32 weeks (8 months)

4th visit: 36 weeks (9 months)


The purpose of pregnancy care

The main purpose of pregnancy care is to make pregnant mothers emotionally and physically fit, so that their delivery is normal, she should give birth to a normal healthy baby, give her breast milk and take care of her and baby satisfactorily.


Pregnancy care activities

Detection and treatment of mother's illness, such as during pregnancy, bleeding, pre-eclipse or eclampsia, and the history of barren pregnancy.
Mother can take care of her during pregnancy, prepare herself for upcoming delivery, and teach her to take care of a newborn baby.
Determine complex symptoms during pregnancy. Its management, such as blood deficiency, pre-eclipse etc.
Identify the risky womb.
Advice to help mother stay healthy, blood loss, malaria and preventive measures.
Select where possible in safe delivery house or health center.
Arrange training staff.
Register all pregnant mothers.

How to take pregnant care at home

Keep smiling at all pregnant women
Give pregnant mother a little more to eat
Keep an eye on foods that are balanced
To get more water to drink
Support through other members of the family
Ask for enough rest
Keep him mentally prepared
If the pregnant mother is ill, then take immediate care of health worker or doctor

Pregnant meal

List of pregnant mother foods

Powerful diet:

Rice, bread / cloth, potato, sugar, molasses, suji
Soybean oil, nuts, liver
Ghee / butter, egg yolk etc.
Energy discharging and newborn's body-enhancing food- like:

 Fish, meat, milk, egg white
Variety of pulses, beans, beans etc.

Energy disorders preventive foods- eg:

Green, yellow and other colored vegetables
All seasonal fruits

Pregnant mother will eat, how much to eat

Every day you have to eat some food from the three types of food list.
Every morning you have to eat a little more than usual.
Government mother will have to drink more water
Iodine salt to taste. However, excess salt can not be eaten.

Get pregnant

During pregnancy, health care should be done at least 3 times by the health care provider.
During pregnancy, two TT vaccinations have to be taken.
You will have to eat more than enough food daily than usual.

Pregnant women need to drink plenty of water regularly.
Pregnant women need to be clean and clean. He has to do a regular shower.
After lunch, take a minimum of 1-2 hours to rest.

Which can not be done during pregnancy

The hard work of households such as paddy straw, rice bran, pressed etc.
Take something heavy
Take a stroll away and carry something heavy
Doing something that shakes the body
Have long been involved in any activity
Quarrel and rebuke
Jarda, eat white leaf
Tobacco, Gul used
Accept smoking or any other addictive products
Accepting any medication without health worker or doctor's advice
Four essential arrangements for pregnancy


The nursing or health care provider trained for delivery will have to be fixed in advance.
Additional costs and emergency arrangements should be made before the postpartum and postpartum periods.
During pregnancy, pregnant mother may need additional blood. Three healthy persons who have a similarity to the blood group of pregnant mother should be kept in the right place for donation and
If there is any complications during pregnancy, then he will have to be taken to hospital quickly. For this reason, the vehicle driver (van driver or boat owner) has to keep talking beforehand.
5 hazard signs during pregnancy and delivery

Due to pregnancy complications, the risk of both mother and child is born. These complications can be compounded by 5 hazards. In such circumstances, emergency care is needed for mothers. These five dangers are:

During pregnancy, after delivery or delivery, too much bleeding, do not fall into the womb
After three months of pregnancy or after delivery, the discharge associated with fever or stomach
During pregnancy, the process